Fig. 3.
Biomarkers, metabolites, and antioxidants. A Leptin (ln transformed), B insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1, ln transformed), C insulin (ln transformed), and D tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α, ln transformed)) circulating levels at termination (11-week feeding) in male C57BL/6J mice (short-term study; n=10/group, with TNF-α imputation for values below detectable limit; only measured values shown; mean±SD). E Leptin (ln transformed), F IGF-1 (ln transformed), G insulin (ln transformed), and H TNF-α (ln transformed) circulating levels by group 22(PF27) [Ta 22°C, pair-fed to 27°C] or AL27 ([Ta 27°C, ad libitum fed]) at ~52 weeks (1 year) and ~112 weeks (~50% tile of survival) of age in male C57BL/6J mice (n=10/group/timepoint, except 9 for 22(PF27) 52/112 weeks; mean ±SD by group; chronic longevity study). Glucose tolerance. I Glucose tolerance test at baseline (before Ta randomization), J after ~11 weeks feeding, and K AUC between baseline and ~11-week follow-up among groups at study completion in male C57BL/6J mice (n=10/group; mean ±SD; Short-term study). Antioxidants. L Catalase (U/min/mg), M glutathione peroxidase (GPX, U/ml/mg protein), and N superoxide dismutase (SOD, U/mg) levels among groups (AL10 [Ta 10°C, ad libitum fed], 10(PF21) [Ta 10°C, pair-fed to 21°C], AL21 [Ta 21°C, ad libitum fed], 21(PF30) [Ta 21°C, pair-fed to 30°C] and AL30 [Ta 30°C, ad libitum fed]) at termination in male C57BL/6J mice (n=10/group; mean ±SD; short-term study)