Figure 4.
Electrode-independent facial muscle activation during specific facial exercises performed three times (three runs R1, R2, R3). The x-axis shows the different exercises. The y-axis shows the average values (± 95% confidence interval) of the root-mean-square (rms) of the sEMG amplitudes across all electrodes in µV. R at rest, WF wrinkling of the forehead, CEN closing the eyes normally, CEF closing the eyes forcefully, WN wrinkling of the nose, CMS closed mouth smiling, OMS open mouth smiling, LP lip puckering, BC blowing-out the cheeks, S snarling, DLL depressing lower lips. Asterisks (R1 vs. R2), dots (R1 vs. R3) and triangles (R2 vs. R3) indicate significant differences between the respective runs.