Fig. 5.
BCKDK promotes metabolic reprogramming in gliomas and metabolite NAAL production A, Growth curves of control cells and BCKDK-silenced cells treated with Glu by MTT assay. Data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three replicates. B, Classification and enrichment map of the differential metabolite KEGG after silencing BCKDK and BCAT1. C, The metabolite signaling network of sgBCKDK and sgBCAT1 cells co-varying is presented, with red font indicating a decrease in the level of the metabolite, blue indicating an increase, and black font indicating no metabolite detected. D, Heatmap showing control versus sgBCKDK and sgBCAT1 differential metabolite content. E, Statistical plots of NAAL levels in NAAL standards, U118 sgBCKDK, sgBCAT1 cells and culture supernatants determined by UPLC/ESI-Q TRAP-MS-MS. . (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)