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. 2024 Aug 21;39(4):daae096. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daae096

Table 1:

Weighted socio-demographic characteristics and COVID-19 outcomes for Wave 19 and Wave 20 HILDA study population

Wave 19a
Wave 20a
(After the onset of the pandemic)
Lower SES
n = 3,268
Higher SES
n = 13,911
p-valueb Lower SES
n = 2,968
Higher SES
n = 12,961
Mean (SD) or % Mean (SD)
or %
Mean (SD) or % Mean (SD) or %
Socio-demographic variables
Days under lockdown 60.74 (29.46) 65.32 (35.19) 0.016*
Age (years) 46.89 (19.45) 44.93 (18.90) 0.003* 46.66 (19.66) 45.36 (18.88) 0.103
Sex 0.428 0.608
 Male 48.49 49.29 48.61 49.25
 Female 51.51 50.71 51.39 50.75
Household type <0.001* <0.001*
 Multi-person household 83.94 88.70 83.77 88.72
 Lone person household 16.06 11.30 16.23 11.28
Marital status <0.001* <0.001*
 Married/de facto 51.71 61.84 51.24 62.26
 Single 48.29 38.17 48.76 37.74
Highest education achieved <0.001* <0.001*
 Tertiary or higher education 49.98 62.68 50.02 63.29
 Secondary education or lower 50.02 37.32 49.98 36.71
Employment <0.001* <0.001*
 Employed 50.65 66.58 48.82 63.82
 Unemployed/not in the labour force 49.35 33.42 51.18 36.18
Long-term health conditions <0.001* <0.001*
 1 + health condition 41.13 25.80 40.72 26.69
 No health conditions 58.87 74.20 59.28 73.32
PCS score 46.36 (11.45) 49.86 (10.31) <0.001* 46.98 (11.92) 50.40 (10.19) <0.001*
MHI-5 score 68.83 (19.54) 72.53 (17.71) <0.001* 68.39 (19.41) 71.06 (18.13) <0.001*
MCS score 45.56 (11.72) 47.57 (10.93) <0.001* 45.07 (12.25) 46.46 (11.31) 0.001*
COVID-19 outcomes c
Life changed due to COVID-19 88.09 92.36 <0.001*
Change was for the worsed 48.58 49.33 0.704
Learnt from homee 88.13 91.94 0.294
Experienced interruption in studiesf 37.53 39.33 0.671
Increased time spent working from homeg 19.86 36.61 <0.001*
Decreased work hoursg 25.53 25.12 0.822
Decreased incomeg 23.38 23.64 0.866
Employment terminated/redundancy/ceased operation of businessg 6.91 8.29 0.139
Claimed JobKeeper/employer claimed JobKeeper on behalf 21.50 23.51 0.866
Received Coronavirus Supplement from government 6.88 3.95 0.229
Disruption with any health service provider 24.15 30.41 <0.001*
Disruption with general medical services 13.95 13.16 0.446
Disruption with dental services 8.23 15.37 <0.001*
Disruption with mental health providers 2.59 2.13 0.200
Disruption with other allied health providers 5.94 8.48 <0.001*

* p < 0.05.

aData have been weighted using cross-sectional responding person population weights and self-completion questionnaire responding person population weights provided by HILDA.

b p-values for differences between lower and higher SES calculated using regression analyses for continuous variables and Rao-Scott chi-square tests for categorical variables.

cCOVID-19 outcomes are categorical with a yes/no response. Percentages (%) presented in this section report the proportion with a yes response for each of these outcomes.

dQuestion only asked to participants who reported life changed due to COVID-19.

eQuestion only asked to participants who were currently enrolled in secondary school.

fQuestion only asked to participant who undertook tertiary or higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

gQuestion only asked to participants who were employed, self-employed, or owned a business at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (in March 2020).

Abbreviations: MCS = Mental Component Summary; MHI-5 = Mental Health Inventory-5; PCS = Physical Component Summary; SD = standard deviation; SES = socio-economic status.