The initial (IB.wt.) and final (FB.wt.) body weights. Results are presented as mean ± SEM where n = 6. C: Control rats, D: Diabetic control rats, NF: Diabetic rats treated with the oral formula (INS-CsNBs-PD shell), FO: Diabetic rats treated with free oral insulin, NB: Diabetic rats treated with the blank oral formula (CsNBs-PD shell) and Sc: Diabetic rats injected with INS subcutaneously. b,cp < 0.05 significantly different from the diabetic group and cp < 0.05 and a,bp < 0.05 significantly different from the control group for initial (F = 1.480, P < 0.05) and final (F = 10.592, P < 0.05) body weights respectively. Groups with the same superscript letter did not represent any significant differences.