Photomicrographs of the pancreatic sections showing immunohistochemical staining of insulin granules in β-cells of islets. a. Pancreatic section of the control group (C) exhibiting β-cells with strong immunoreactivity of insulin which represent most of the pancreatic islet. b. Pancreatic section of untreated diabetic group (D) revealing high reduction of insulin expression due to the severe degradation of β-cells. c. Pancreatic section of the treated group administered orally with INS-CsNBs-PD shell (F) displaying slight immunohistochemical expression of insulin related to small number of β-cells. d. Pancreatic section of treated group with free oral insulin (FO) revealing small islets with marked reduction in β-cells and immune-histochemical insulin expression as a result. e. Pancreatic section of diabetic group treated orally with CsNBs-PD shell (NB) showing noticeable decrease of insulin expression in β-cells. f. Pancreatic section of treated group injected with subcutaneous insulin (Sc) presenting increase in insulin expression relatively with regenerated β-cells. (Scale bar = 50 μm) g. Morphometric analysis is revealing changes in the mean values of area percentage of immune reactive pancreatic β-cells (μm2), with (a, b & c) Significant compared with the control non-diabetic Group I (C), p < 0.05, and (b, c & d) Significant compared with the diabetic Group II (D), (F = 7.851, P < 0.05). Groups with the same superscript letter did not represent any significant differences. (n = 6).