Fig. 5. Abstract hippocampal representation of context is present following successful verbal instructions.
a, Top, behavioural performance on the first inference trial for patients that performed inference after instructions (n = 10 sessions, post-instruction), those that did not perform inference even after instructions (n = 8 sessions, not exhibited) and those that performed inference already before instructions (n = 6 sessions, pre-instruction). Error bars are ±s.e.m. across sessions and P values are rank-sum session 1 versus 2. Bottom, schematic of the experiment. Session before and after high-level instructions are referred to as sessions 1 and 2, respectively. b–d, Encoding of context during the stimulus period in different groups of patients. The first trial following a switch is excluded from this analysis. *P < 0.05 against null in any column of a given geometric measure plot estimated empirically from the null distribution. b, Post-instruction group. Context was significantly decodable in session 2 correct but not error trials and also not in session 1 (P1 = 0.17, P1(correct) = 0.016, PRS = 3.1 × 10−19, P2(error) = 0.99). c, Not exhibited group. Context was not significantly decodable (P1 = 0.44, P2 = 0.42). d, Pre-instruction group. Context was decodable in session 1 (P1 = 0.014, PTwo = 0.17). e, Summary of changes due in instructions based on the PS for context. Neuron counts are equalized across groups by subsampling. Context PS increases significantly from session 1 to 2 in the post-instruction group (PPostinstruction,i = 0.20, PPostinstruction,2 = 0.0028). Context PS is not significantly different from chance for the not exhibited group (PNot exhibited,1/2 < 0.5) and is different from chance in both sessions for the pre-instruction inference (PPre-instruction,1/2 < 0.005) group. All P values are versus chance and are empirically estimated from the null distribution. f, Example hippocampal neuron with univariate context encoding in the session after (bottom) but not before (top) instructions (one-way ANOVA, POne = 0.40, PTwo = 0.010). Error bars are ±s.e.m. across trials.