PSB-2 cells were transiently transfected with 6 μg of each of the control empty plasmid (vector), and plasmids that encoded the wild-type (wt) or H172A, E197A, E200A, N209A, E212A, D216A, D221A and N226A mutant PSS 1. Cell lysates of the transfectants were assayed for serine (A), choline (B), and ethanolamine (C) base-exchange activity. For the results shown in (A–C), two independent experiments gave similar results; the values shown are for one of the two independent experiments and are the averages of duplicate determinations with a variation of <5% (A), <0.4% (B) and 1% (C) between duplicates. (D) Cell lysates (10 μg of protein) of the transfectants were separated by SDS/PAGE, and then analysed by Western blotting with an anti-PSS 1 N-terminal peptide antibody.