Figure 5. BCR-mediated Ca2+ entry in DT40 cells.
WT (A) and GFP-IP3R3-transfected IP3R-KO (B) cells were stimulated with anti-IgM in nominally Ca2+-free medium, and La3+ (0.3 μM) and Ca2+ (1.3 mM) were subsequently added. (A) (a) Fluorescence image of fura 2; (b–d) pseudocolour images of fura 2 ratio obtained at time points indicated in (e); (e) time-dependent changes in the fluorescence ratio in the cells depicted in the fluorescence image (a). (B) (a) Merged fluorescence image of GFP-IP3R3 and fura 2; (b–d) pseudocolour images of fura 2 ratio obtained at time points indicated in (e); (e) time-dependent changes in the fluorescence ratio in the cells depicted in the fluorescence image (a). GFP-IP3R3-expressing cell is indicated by an arrow. The horizontal bars at the top of the Figure indicate the presence of anti-IgM, La3+ and Ca2+. The ratio is presented as relative fluorescence intensity (F340/F380). Scale bar, 10 μm. (C) La3+-insensitive Ca2+ entry was monitored in WT-DT40 cells and GFP-IP3R3-transfected IP3R-KO cells. The number of cells showing La3+-insensitive Ca2+ entry in the absence (−) and presence (+) of anti-IgM was quantified and plotted as a percentage of the total number of cells. Total number of cells counted is shown above each column.