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. 2004 Sep 7;382(Pt 3):803–810. doi: 10.1042/BJ20040122

Table 1. Results of two-hybrid screen of human adult and foetal brain cDNA libraries using EPAC1 as bait.

Screen 1 (human foetal brain) Screen 2 (human adult brain)
No. of transformants 5000000 5000000
No. of His+ colonies 180 110
No. of LacZ+ colonies 120/180 90/110
No. of plasmids analysed by sequencing 30 38
No. of different clones present 3 7
Clone identities following BLAST search Clone E4: NM_002373.3, human MAP1A Clone A1: NP_503522.1, T-complex polypeptide 1/cpn60, required for assembly of microtubules
Clone E8: BT008258.1, human prefoldin 5
Clone E10: XM_040708.3, human KIAA1377 protein Clone C2: NP_03249, keratin complex
Clone D4: AY050668.1, human PKC-potentiated PP1
Clone F1: AF300619, p32-RACK
Clone F2: XM_030426.1, human hypoxia-inducible factor
Clone F3: NM_002373.3, human MAP1A