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. 2024 Aug 21;24:2275. doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-19746-6

Table 3.

Contextualization of implementation strategies of the CoCo-HD program

Implementation strategies Tamil Nadu Kerala
Training of CHWs
 The actor ICMR-NIE team and District Program Officers/ Medical Officers SCTIMST team and District Programme Officers + ToT by selected MLSPs for further training under supervision.
 The action Face-to-face training Face-to-face + online
 Action target MLSP and WHV MLSPs in the entire state of Kerala
 Temporality August 2023 – Sept 2023 December 2023 – March 2024
 Dose 2 days (1 + 1); 6 h/ day 1.5 days; 6 + 3 h
 Outcome Improved knowledge and skills in conducting PSG sessions Empowered MLSPs in leading Peer group sessions in a structured and organized manner.
 Justification Training of the trainers and cascading to CHWs has been proven to be effective A hybrid approach of face-to-face and online training mode is the preferred approach of the state health department.
PSG Sessions
 The actor MLHP and WHV MLSPs
 The action

Conducting PSG sessions and activities:

Repetitive slogan

Special topic



Conducting PSG Sessions and activities:

Set and review of goals

Discussion on the core topics

Initiate activities specific to the concerned sessions

Plan for the forthcoming session

Conduct study-specific measurements

 Action target People with diabetes and hypertension People with diabetes and hypertension
 Temporality Oct 2023 – Sept 2024 December 2023 – March 2025 (As the implementation is conceived in a phased manner across the state, with concurrent training and initiation of implementation overlapping).
 Dose 12 sessions; 60–90 min 12 sessions; 60–90 min
 Outcome Medication compliance, Achieve treatment targets of hypertension (Blood pressure control) and diabetes (Blood sugar control)

Improved adoption of self-care practices.

Improved medication adherence.

Weight and waist circumference reduction.

Improvement in consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Reduction in daily salt use.

Improved control rates of hypertension and diabetes.

 Justification Monthly sessions have been used and proven to be effective in other settings. Monthly sessions have been used and proven to be effective in other settings.
Community engagement activities
 The actor MLHP and WHV MLSPs, Medical Officers and Supervisors
 The action Community Mobilisation during outreach activities, Information, Education, Communication (IEC) Provisions, Advertisements such as announcements, elevation of banners/posters, Peer Selection, and Reminders Activities to engage and ensure more community participation in building awareness of the need for lifestyle modifications.
 Action target People with diabetes and hypertension and the community Adults of all age groups
 Temporality 18 months 18 months
 Dose Monthly once One session: In a phased manner
 Outcome Community sessions conducted Improved community awareness. Improved readiness to participate in structured lifestyle modification intervention sessions.
 Justification Community engagement is critical for effectively implementing PSG sessions and activities. Community engagement will improve the acceptability of MLSPs and PSG in managing hypertension and diabetes.