Table 5.
Operationalisation of NPT constructs & sub-constructs for the CoCo-HD program
SN | Constructs | Operationalisation of the CoCo-HD program |
1 |
Coherence (What is the process? ) Data source: In-depth interviews and FGDs |
Definition: Enablers and barriers of how various actors make sense, had an explicit knowledge and understanding of the program and its associated elements when initiating the intervention. Experience by the actors (CHWs/MLSPs, Peer supporters, participants) who found it valuable to them and agreed to the usefulness and purpose of the CoCo-HD program. Key questions: How does the program differ from current practice? How does the program fit with current practice? To what extent do various actors share a common understanding of the program? What are the perceived benefits of the program to patients and the health system? What are factors inhibit the routine practice of the CoCo-HD program? |
2 |
Cognitive participation (Who performs the process? ) Data source: IDI and FGDs |
Definition: Enablers and barriers of buy-in, engagement, and commitment of the various actors in implementing the CoCo-HD program. Key questions: To what extent have the various actors bought into it? To what extent have the various actors engaged with it? To what extent have the various actors committed to it? To what extent have the various actors legitimized it? To what extent have the various actors supported the program over time? |
3 |
Collective action (How does the process get performed? ) Data source: IDI and FGDs |
Definition: Enablers and barriers to implementing and integrating the intervention into the health system. Key questions: What health system resources have been allocated to the program? How was the program operationalised during implementation in the existing context? Are there clear definitions of the roles and responsibilities? To what extent did the program get integrated into community health? |
4 |
Reflexive monitoring (How is the process understood? ) Data source: IDI and FGDs |
Definition: Enablers and barriers of formal and informal monitoring of the progress, benefits, and costs of the intervention by the various actors. How did the actors evaluate the program and its supportive tools, either individually or collectively? Key questions: How much feedback did the various actors provide during the program’s implementation? What are the various actors’ judgments about the effectiveness and usefulness of the program? What are the various actors’ judgments about the costs and benefits of the program? What are the suggestions to modify/improve the program? |