Figure 6. Transient transformation of tobacco protoplasts with GFP-fusion constructs.
Tobacco protoplasts were prepared as given in the Experimental section and transformed using poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Transformed protoplasts were analysed with confocal laser scanning microscopy. (A) GFP alone. (B) GFP fused to a plasmalemma control (LeSUT). (C) GFP fused to AtENT6. (D) GFP fused to AtENT1. (E) Vacuoles prepared from AttDT–GFP-expressing protoplasts (arrows mark vacuoles, red fluorescence is emitted from protoplasts that were not lysed). (F) Vacuoles prepared from AtENT6–GFP-expressing protoplasts. (G) GFP fluorescence from vacuoles in (E). (H) GFP fluorescence from vacuoles in (F).