Fig 5. Admixture statistics (f4, A; fdM, B) for autosomes and sex chromosome regions.
Color of the point indicates which topology the statistic was calculated for (Mtris P3 or Mcard P3), and shape of the point indicates whether the D statistic for that chromosome/region was significantly different from zero, determined using the block-jackknife procedure. fdM statistics were calculated across 100 SNP windows, restricted to windows where fdM ≥ 0 (potential gene flow between sympatric populations) and averaged, with bars showing standard error across windows for that chromosome/region. Admixture f4 ratios calculated for Mtris P3 taxa on chr 26, 28, 34, and 39 used an alternative topology indicating nonsignificant introgression from sympatric Mtris into allopatric Mcard, shown in S2 Fig.