Table. Methods Used for Advanced Airway Management.
Method | Attempts, No. (%)a |
Endotracheal intubation | 305 584 (68.8) |
Orotracheal intubation | 244 352 (55.0) |
Video laryngoscopy | 39 126 (8.8) |
Rapid sequence intubation | 26 887 (6.1) |
Nasotracheal intubation | 6439 (1.5) |
Sedation assisted intubation | 2386 (0.5) |
Retrograde intubation | 494 (0.1) |
Delayed sequence intubation | 22 (<0.1) |
Supraglottic airways | 200 437 (45.1) |
i-gel | 102 007 (23.0) |
Laryngeal tube | 84 189 (19.0) |
Laryngeal mask airway | 9202 (2.1) |
Esophageal tracheal double-lumen airway | 5262 (1.2) |
Other (supraglottic airway laryngopharyngeal tube) | 224 (0.1) |
Surgical airway | 1000 (0.2) |
Needle cricothyroidotomy | 170 (<0.1) |
Surgical cricothyroidotomy | 811 (0.2) |
Other techniques | 121 (<0.1) |
Percentages reflect portion of the 444 041 patients undergoing attempts with each airway method. Totals exceed 100% because an individual patient may have undergone more than one advanced airway technique.