Figure 8: DOX-correlated hub proteins are enriched for physical protein interactors of CVD risk proteins.
(A) Schematic representing the rationale behind the test design. CVD-associated SNPs (CVD-SNP) are mapped to nearby genes (CVD gene) which are translated into proteins (CVD proteins) that may physically interact with other proteins (CVD protein interactors). (B) Enrichment of CVD risk proteins amongst hub proteins, DOX-correlated proteins, and DOX-correlated hub proteins. (C) pLI score distribution of CVD risk proteins and CVD risk protein interactors. Asterisk represents a significant difference in the scores between protein groups (*P < 0.05). (D) Enrichment of CVD risk protein interactors amongst hub proteins, DOX-correlated proteins, and DOX-correlated hub proteins. (E) Protein-protein interaction network for CVD proteins (square) and CVD protein interactors (circle) expressed within the co-expression network. Color represents if the protein is in a DOX-correlated module (red) or a non-DOX-correlated module (blue). Edges represent weighted correlation within the co-expression network. Node size indicates if a protein is a hub (large icon) or not a hub (small icon) protein. A CVD protein subnetwork containing the most highly connected proteins is presented here with the full CVD protein network displayed in Fig S12.