Figure 10. Self-powered real-time glucose sensors.
A. Self-powered electronic-skin for detecting glucose level. (i) ZnO nanowire in glucose aqueous solution and the piezoelectric output under a compressive force. (ii) Structural design of the self-powered e-skin. (iii) The relationship between the outputting piezoelectric voltage of the e-skin and glucose concentration under different forces. Reproduced with permission [120]. Copyright 2016, Elsevier Ltd. B. Self-powered implantable skin-like glucometer. (i) Device architecture, material system, and fabrication procedure. (ii) Implanting the device into the mouse and the measurement setup. (iii) The outputting piezoelectric voltage changes before and after injection of glucose solution. Reproduced with permission [121]. Copyright 2018, Springer. C. Self-powered closed-loop brain-machine-interface system. (i) The components of the system. (ii) The increase percentage of blood glucose concentration with electrical stimulation. Reproduced with permission [122]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier Ltd.