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. 2024 Jun 21;42(9):929–953. doi: 10.1007/s40273-024-01388-6

Table 2.

Summary of sources used for baseline characteristics and continuous glucose monitoring effect size and duration

Publication (first author, year, country) Source of baseline characteristics Source of CGM effect size Duration of CGM effect, motivation
HbA1c reduction/time in range Reduction in hypoglycemic events Reduction in fear of hypoglycemia Reduction in ketoacidosis
Emamipour (2022), The Netherlands [7] Observational study (FLARE-NL4 study [5]) Observational study (FLARE-NL4 study [72]) 12 months, same as study duration
Ly (2014), Australia [35] RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) RCT (Ly 2013 [67]) - 6 months, same as study duration
Wan (2018), USA [53] RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) Wan (2018), USA [53] Within the trial analysis: 6 months; model-based analysis: lifetime, based on assumption
Bilir (2018), Sweden [45] RCT (IMPACT trial [72]) RCT (IMPACT trial [72]) - NR
Chaugule (2017), Canada [55] RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) Questionnaire (Currie, 2006 [73]) (Only in scenario analysis) Lifetime
Conget (2018), Spain [30] Unclear Unclear Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) NR
Gómez (2016), Colombia [44] Observational study (Gómez, 2013 [74]) Observational study (Gómez, 2013 [74]) Meta-analysis (Yeh, 2012 [75]) NR
Isitt (2022), Australia [34] RCT (DIAMOND trial, [68]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) + NMA (Pease, 2020 [76]) for is-CGM arm RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) NR
Jendle (2017), Sweden [35] (Cohort 1) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]), (Cohort 2) register (Swedish National Diabetes Register [77], supplemented by DCCT [78]) (Cohort 1) –; (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) (Cohort 1) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]); (Cohort 2) – (Cohort 1) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) [75]; (Cohort 2) observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) NR
Jendle (2019), Sweden [51] Single-arm, non-randomized trial (Bergenstal, 2016 [79]) Single-arm, non-randomized trial (Bergenstal, 2016 [79]) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) Lifetime
Jendle (2021), Sweden [54] RCT (FUTURE study [70]) RCT (Collyns, 2021 [80]) RCT (FUTURE study [70]) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) Lifetime
Kamble (2012), USA [47] RCT (STAR 3 study [81]) RCT (STAR 3 study [81]) Lifetime
Lambadiari (2022), Greece [33] HCL vs. SAP plus PLGM: RCT (MiniMed 780G US pivotal trial [82]); AHCL vs. MDI plus is-CGM: observational study (FUTURE study [70]) RCT (Carlson, 2020 [83]) NR
Nicolucci (2018), Italy [46] (Cohort 1) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]); (Cohort 2) meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]) (Cohort 1) –; (Cohort 2) meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]) (Cohort 1) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]); (Cohort 2) – (Cohort 1) RCT (Ly, 2013, [67]);(Cohort 2) observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) NR
Riemsma (2016), UK [36] Single-arm, non-randomized trial (Bergenstal, 2016 [79]) supplemented by various sources Self-conducted meta-analysis (Only in sensitivity analysis) Only the first year; an annual progression rate is subsequently applied
Roze (2015), Sweden [40] Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]) (Only in sensitivity analysis) RCT (DIAMOND trial, [68]) NR
Roze (2016), France [41] (Cohort 1) RCT (Riveline, 2012 [84]); (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) (Cohort 1) Meta-analysis (unpublished); (Cohort 2) – (Cohort 1) –; (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) NR
Roze (2016), UK [42] Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]) Observational study (Lynch, 2012 [85]) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) NR
Roze (2017), Denmark [44] (Cohort 1) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]); (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013, [67]) (Cohort 1) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]); (Cohort 2) – (Cohort 1) –; (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) (Cohort 1) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]); (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) NR
Roze (2019), the Netherlands [45] (Cohort 1) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66] supplemented by DCCT, [78]); (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) (Cohort 1) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]); (Cohort 2) – (Cohort 1) –; (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) (Cohort 1) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]); (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) NR
Roze (2019), Turkey [43] (Cohort 1) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]); (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) (Cohort 1) Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]); (Cohort 2) – (Cohort 1) –; (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) (Cohort 1) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]); (Cohort 2) RCT (Ly, 2013 [67]) NR
Roze (2020), UK [59] RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) NR
Roze (2021), Canada [60] RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) Lifetime
Roze (2021), UK [50] RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) Single-arm, non-randomized trial (Garg, 2017/Bergenstal, 2016 [79, 86]) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) Single-arm, non-randomized trial (Garg, 2017/Bergenstal, 2016 [79, 86]) NR
Roze (2021), France [61] Single-arm, non-randomized trial (Garg, 2017/Bergenstal, 2016 [79, 86]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [68]) RCT (DIAMOND trial [69]) Lifetime
Serné (2022), the Netherlands [55] RCT (FUTURE study [70]) RCT (FUTURE study [70]) Observational study (INTERPRET study [72]) NR
Zhao (2021), China [31] Epidemiological studies (Zhou, 2020 and Tang, 2019 [87, 88]) RCT (IMPACT trial [89]) RCT (FUTURE study [70]) NR
Garcia‐Lorenzo (2018), Spain [57] Meta-analysis targeting the study objectives Meta-analysis (Pickup, 2011 [66]) NR
Health Quality Ontario (2018), Canada [37] RCT (DCCT [78]) CGM + MDI vs. SMBG + MDI: RCT (GOLD trial [90]); SAP vs. SMBG + MDI: RCT (STAR3 trial, [81]); SAP vs. SMBG + CSII: RCT (Tumminia, 2015 [91]) All comparisons: RCT (STAR 3 study [81]) Only the first year, subsequently declining slowly; assumption-based
Huang (2010), USA [28] RCT (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation-CGM trial [92]) RCT (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation-CGM trial [92]) Lifetime; assumption-based
McQueen (2011), USA [32] RCT (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation-CGM trial [92]) RCT (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation-CGM trial [92]) NR
Pease (2020), Australia [52] Register (Australian National Diabetes Audit [93]) RCT (Thabit, 2015 [94]) Severe: assumption-based; non-severe: RCT (Benhamou, 2019 [95]) NR
Pease (2022), Australia [53] RCT (Abraham, 2021 [96]) RCT (Abraham, 2021 [96]) Severe: assumption-based + other CEA (Pease, 2020 [52]); non-severe: RCT (Abraham, 2020 [96]) + other CEA (Pease, 2020 [52]) Continuous over a 13-year time horizon; assumption-based
Rotondi (2022), Canada [30] NR Meta-analysis (Maiorino, 2020 [97]) NR

AHCL advanced hybrid closed loop, CEA cost-effectiveness analysis, CGM continuous glucose monitoring, CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, DCCT Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, HCL hybrid closed loop, is-CGM intermittently-scanned continuous glucose monitoring, MDI multiple daily injections, NMA network meta-analysis, NR not reported, PLGM predictive low glucose monitoring, RCT randomized controlled trial, SAP sensor-augmented pump, SMBG self-monitoring of blood glucose