Organ | FT | GD | SS | RS | ARS |
Brainstem | 0.853±0.009 | 0.839±0.004 | 0.846±0.006 | 0.849±0.008 | 0.856±0.009 |
Chiasm | 0.515±0.017 | 0.493±0.020 | 0.506±0.011 | 0.462±0.023 | 0.494±0.028 |
Mandible | 0.918±0.007 | 0.918±0.005 | 0.922±0.008 | 0.935±0.002 | 0.938±0.002 |
Optic Nerve Left | 0.703±0.006 | 0.695±0.003 | 0.695±0.008 | 0.703±0.009 | 0.679±0.013 |
Optic Nerve Right | 0.687±0.020 | 0.668±0.018 | 0.673±0.001 | 0.693±0.016 | 0.682±0.013 |
Parotid Left | 0.817±0.057 | 0.849±0.006 | 0.838±0.002 | 0.849±0.010 | 0.863±0.005 |
Parotid Right | 0.812±0.006 | 0.805±0.016 | 0.808±0.022 | 0.829±0.015 | 0.829±0.005 |
Submandibular Left | 0.771±0.004 | 0.769±0.008 | 0.762±0.040 | 0.771±0.009 | 0.789±0.006 |
Submandibular Right | 0.757±0.028 | 0.794±0.008 | 0.785±0.015 | 0.789±0.018 | 0.815±0.010 |
Average | 0.759±0.010 | 0.759±0.001 | 0.760±0.004 | 0.764±0.002 | 0.772±0.003 |
FT, GD, SS, RS, ARS stand for the focal Tversky loss, Generalized Dice loss, Sensitivity-Specificity loss, region-specific loss, and adaptive region-specific loss, respectively. The best results are highlighted in bold.