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. 2022 Mar 7;31(1):e2021405. [Article in Portuguese] doi: 10.1590/S1679-49742022000100010

Table 3. - Monthly and annual percentage variation in SUSa cancer treatment procedures, between the pre-COVID-19 pandemic period (2019) and the COVID-19 pandemic period (2020), Brazil, 2019-2020.

Month service provided Cervical excision Cancer surgeryb Chemotherapy Radiotherapyc
2019 2020 PVd 2019 2020 PVd 2019 2020 PVd 2019 2020 PVd
N N % N N % N N % N N %
January 1,874 1,999 6.7 12,889 13,219 2.6 295,246 316,193 7.1 - - -
February 2,155 1,899 -11.9 12,752 11,786 -7.6 297,113 313,074 5.4 - - -
March 1,900 1,708 -10.1 12,014 12,792 6.5 297,173 316,169 6.4 - - -
April 2,323 870 -62.5 13,253 9,456 -28.7 296,840 306,629 3.3 - - -
May 2,366 1,111 -53.0 14,278 10,041 -29.7 303,183 308,810 1.9 - - -
June 2,145 1,251 -41.7 12,649 10,151 -19.7 302,173 311,164 3.0 12,581 11,464 8.9
July 2,203 1,387 -37.0 14,581 10,936 -25.0 306,241 314,376 2.7 11,824 12,269 -3.8
August 2,488 1,542 -38.0 13,981 11,326 -19.0 309,181 318,442 3.0 11,702 11,469 2.0
September 2,477 1,519 -38.7 14,265 11,694 -18.0 312,422 317,931 1.8 11,373 11,658 -2.5
October 2,496 1,542 -38.2 14,747 11,816 -19.9 315,034 318,312 1.0 11,665 11,491 1.5
November 2,189 1,683 -23.1 13,541 12,162 -10.2 313,191 320,043 2.2 10,887 10,825 0.6
December 2,056 1,472 -28.4 11,434 9,833 -14.0 313,509 317,794 1.4 10,583 10,887 -2.9
Total 26,672 17,983 -32.6 160,384 135,212 -15.7 3,661,306 3,778,937 3.2 80,615 80,063 -0.7

Sources: Brazilian National Health System Outpatient Information System (SIA/SUS) and High Complexity Procedure Authorizations (APAC); access in March 2021.

a) SUS: Brazilian National Health System; b) Cancer surgery only includes procedures performed in hospitals accredited for high complexity oncology, and does not include surgery performed in general hospitals; c) ‘Radiotherapy’ procedure data refer to June-December 2019 and June-December 2020; d) PV: percentage variation.