Comparison of fibrin polymerization assays between ClotPro® and ROTEM®. (A): clotting time; (B): clot firmness after 5 min (A5 value); (C): clot firmness after 10 min (A10 value); and (D): maximal clot firmness (MCF value); (E): maximum clot lysis (ML value). On the left: Fit plot with a regression line. The blue area around the regression line represents the 95% confidence limits for the regression line. The p-value and Pearson’s correlation coefficient “r” are in the lower right corner. In the middle: Bland–Altman plot of the absolute values. On the right: Bland–Altman plot of percentage values. The solid black line indicates zero difference; the red solid line represents the actual mean bias between the ClotPro® and ROTEM® parameters; The dashed lines represent the 95% limits of acceptance (95% LOA); the dotted line represents the 99% LOA; and the blue line represents the regression line for the difference between ClotPro® and ROTEM®. The numeric values of the mean bias and of the lower and upper 95% LOA are given in the bottom right corner. The clotting times are measured in seconds, and the clot firmness is measured in mm amplitude, respectively.