Figure 5. LPA1–EGF receptor phosphorylation.
C9 cells stably expressing LPA1–EGFP receptor were metabolically labelled with [32P]Pi and the LPA1–EGFP receptor was immunoprecipitated using anti-EGFP polyclonal rabbit antibodies. Upper left panel: LPA1–EGFP basal phosphorylation (BASAL) or that induced by 1 μM PMA during a 5 min incubation (TPA), *P<0.001 versus basal. A representative autoradiograph of samples from cells expressing the EGFP alone (M) or from cells expressing LPA1–EGFP receptor treated with vehicle (B) or 1 μM PMA (TPA). Upper right panel: concentration–response curve for the effect of PMA on LPA1–EGFP receptor phosphorylation; a representative autoradiograph is shown (B, basal). Lower left panel, time course of the effect of 1 μM PMA on LPA1–EGFP phosphorylation. Results are expressed as the percentage of LPA1–EGFP receptor basal phosphorylation; mean values are plotted and vertical lines represent the S.E.M. for 4–5 determinations using different cell preparations. Lower right panel: effect of 300 nM staurosporine (ST) or 1 μM bisindolylmaleimide I (BIM) on PMA-induced LPA1–EGFP receptor phosphorylation; *P<0.001 versus basal, **P<0.001 versus PMA alone; a representative autoradiograph is shown.