Figure 8. NF-κB binds to the SREBP-1a promoter.
The DNA sequence for the region of the mouse SREBP-1a promoter is shown in the top panel, where the positions of the two critical Sp1 sites and the NF-κB site are noted. The sequences for the individual probes derived from this region and used in the EMSA studies are shown below the wild-type sequence. The multibase substitutions introduced in the putative NF-κB site are noted in lower-case. The third probe corresponds to a characterized NF-κB site in the mouse kappa light chain gene [19]. An autoradiogram from a typical EMSA is shown in the middle panel. TNF-α was added to HeLa cells at 100 ng/ml for the indicated times (hours) and nuclear extracts were prepared and used in the EMSA. Bottom panel: data from a transient DNA transfection, where the SREBP-1a wild-type or NF-κB mutant version were transfected alone or in the presence of expression vectors for NF-κB subunits p50 and p65 (10 ng each). The pNF-κB luciferase reporter plasmid was as described in [15].