Table 1.
Variable | Exposure and outcome collected in the ALSWH and how they were used in this study |
Physical activity* (exposure) | Questions asked in the ALSWH (surveys 2–8)
Methods of categorising physical activity participation in this study The total amount of weekly physical activity participation was the sum of the above-mentioned three types of activities and was categorised into: 0, 1 to <150, 150 to <300 and ≥300 min |
Falls (outcome) | Questions asked in the ALSWH†: In the last twelve months, have you
Methods of categorising falls in this study Participants were coded as having non-injurious falls if they reported a fall to the ground without a positive response to the second or third question about injury because of a fall and had injurious falls if they gave a positive response to the first and the second and/or third questions. The outcome was divided into three levels: no falls (reference group), non-injurious falls and injurious falls. |
*To ensure the consistency of the questions asked about PA across all surveys, PA collected in survey 1 was not used as participants were asked to report the activity lasted for 20 min or more.
†Falls questions were included from survey 4 (2004).
PA, physical activity.