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. 2024 Aug 1;10(3):55. doi: 10.3390/ijns10030055
Strengths Weaknesses Needed Improvements Future Actions
Collaboration Previously established Regionalized impact
if current partners cannot help
Establish other partnerships Hold regular meetings
Invite and engage other newborn screening (NBS) programs
Continuity of operations (COOP) plan Previously established Access to plan limited
Contacts changed
No secondary contacts
Limited informatics/information technology (IT) coverage
Develop a comprehensive plan to cover all aspects of NBS
Incorporate IT and other agencies in the plan
Develop internal standard operating procedure (SOP)
Develop plan for specimen rerouting to the backup laboratory
Continue to refine the plan
Hire dedicated NBS IT staff; invite IT and other agencies to meetings with partners
Work with lab and follow-up staff to write SOP
Work with hospitals and providers on protocols
Memorandum of agreement (MOA) Previously established and in date MOA lost Ensure MOA is accessible
Develop MOA with additional partners
Widely distribute to staff and revise early
Actively seek additional partners
Simulated exercises One had been carried out Whole process not evaluated
Multiple agencies needed
Exercises should test the entire NBS system Schedule an exercise annually
Design exercise to mimic an actual incident
Include all who would likely be involved in an incident
Staffing Committed lab and follow-up staff Longer workdays
No overtime pay
Prevent staff stress and burnout
Find alternate compensation
Cross-train non-NBS staff
Discuss possibilities with human resources
Specimen delivery Specimens transported as quickly as possible Courier closed
Unfamiliarity with shipping options
Short notice for procurement approvals
Use the fastest mode to transport specimens Have the contact information for a backup courier
Explore different procurement options for specimen transport
Dependency on technology Laboratory efficiency is enhanced Laboratory information management system not accessible
No data entry
No testing
Need an offline process Develop and test offline operations at least annually
Make offline SOP available to staff
Data entry Demographic entry was as timely as possible Hospital and provider databases were not shared
Specimen control number (SCN) could not be keyed
Form copies lacked clarity
Multiple keying errors
Multiple corrections
Speed and cadence slow
Share provider library reciprocally
Standardize NBS collection device
Send original forms
Obtain exact field layouts for provider information export
and update annually
Reformat SCN, field placement, and naming convention
Explore state-specific data entry screens
Specimen processing Accession numbers assigned
Impacted laboratory’s unsatisfactory codes added to the NBS form
Not testing unsatisfactory specimens Follow backup laboratory’s protocol for unsatisfactory specimens Share unsatisfactory protocol and coding in advance
Write the backup laboratory’s unsatisfactory code on the NBS form
Specimen volumes Backup laboratories managed the specimen surges Ability to handle extremely large volumes Be realistic as to capacity Assess capabilities periodically and share information with partners
NBS panels Deferred to the backup laboratory’s panel Panels do not match
Test additional disorders
Provider inquiries
Promptly return residual specimens
Promptly communicate with providers that the COOP is activated
Update and share panel changes annually
Explore a perforated specimen card
Explore ways to communicate in real time
Retests and reference ranges No infants were lost to follow-up Handling recollections and retests Complete rescreening at the backup laboratory
Follow the backup laboratory screening algorithm for supplemental testing
Share updated references ranges and laboratory algorithms at least annually
Mailer format All specimens had a corresponding mailer Different mailer formats
Difficulty in distinguishing results
Mailer standardization
Presumed positive results and actions should stand out
Explore standardization
Reformat existing mailers to highlight results
Access to results Secure remote viewer (SRV) granted access to results Inability to download multiple results at once
Limited log-in capability
Not all labs have remote access
Difficulty finding results
Long-term result storage
Need the ability to download multiple files simultaneously
Need remote access for all states in a reciprocal partnership
LIMS should have a field to capture the impacted laboratory’s accession number
Develop a plan for long-term storage/retrieval of results
Increase bandwidth to allow for larger file downloads
Work with IT to grant partners remote access to the LIMS
Work to add a field for state accession number
Develop a way to link results to specimens in the LIMS
Communication Improved with each incident Differences in follow-up algorithms
Time differences
Results were held
Update follow-up algorithms

Consider time zones
Treat all positive results as time-critical
Share algorithms annually with partners

Do not hold any positive results