Table I.
Patient characteristics and descriptions
Patient characteristics | |
Measure | Description |
Demographics | Consists of age, highest education level, ethnicity, and race. |
Health services and insurance | Consists of insurance coverage, location of primary healthcare (at study site or not), and driving time to regular healthcare location. |
Health literacy36, 37 | Measured by two single-item health literacy screeners asking about needing help reading material from doctors or the pharmacy and confidence in filling out medical forms by themselves. |
Numeracy38, 39 | Measured by two scales, it includes 6 items combined from a 3-item subjective numeracy scale and a modified 8-question subjective numeracy scale measuring people’s beliefs about their skill in math and preferences for numeracy presentation. |
Digital literacy | Measures confidence one has in using computers, smartphones, or other electronic devices to accomplish the things patients need to do online. |