A. Attempted bilateral implants often resulted in one optical fiber implanted in a target region, and another implanted completely elsewhere devoid of halorhodopsin expression. We examined these mice’s behavior in the place preference protocol as in Fig. 3
B. Example (left) and average (right) position heatmaps for corresponding days of the place preference protocol for mice with unilateral implants in the PBN (B, n=5).
C. As in b, but for unilateral implants in the DCN (C, n=3)
D. Implant locations for all mice with color indicating bottom chamber preference (Test/Baseline; D2/D1).
E. Summary of the % time spent in the bottom chamber across all test days for PBN (red) and DCN (blue) unilaterally implanted PCP2cre/Halo mice. (see Table 3)