Extended Data Figure 3.
A. Selected GO terms for biological processes for SYNGAP1 immunoprecipitation data collected from D.I.V. 7 cortical organoids.
B. Schematic of line generation details for isogenic control of Patientp.Q503X.
C. Chromatogram of the generated corrected line (PatientCorrected). The truncating “T” was substituted with the wild type “C” base pair.
D. Representative Western blot for SYNGAP1 in the Patient p.Q503X(P), PatientCorrected (C) and KO (K) iPSCs derived neurons showing a reduction of SYNGAP1 levels in P and complete loss in K iPSCs
E. Quantification of the western blot shows significant reduction in SYNGAP1 levels in Patient p.Q503X iPSCs compared to the PatientCorrected iPSCs in four biological replicates. Individual dots represent independent replicates. Data are presented as mean values± SD. Statistical analysis was performed using unpaired two-tailed t-test. P value <0.01.
F. Quantification of the SYNGAP1 peptide. Graphical representation of SYNGAP1 protein levels quantified by timed parallel reaction monitoring (tRPM). Plot shows a decrease of SYNGAP1 total protein levels in Patientp.Q503X:64.83 (51.6%) as compared to its corresponding isogenic control (PatientCorrected): 125.6 expressed as fg peptide/ug digested protein. Individual dots represent 20 organoids pooled together. N=9 across three independent differentiations. Data are presented as mean values ± SD. Statistical analysis was performed using unpaired two-tailed t-test. P value <0.0001.
G. Karyotypic analysis of PatientCorrected iPSCs revealed a normal karyotype.
H. Chromatogram of the Patientp.Q503X iPSCs carrying the truncating mutation.
I. PCR of RGD, Patientp.Q503X, 03231 cell line.
J. Chromatogram of the 03231Control iPSCs carrying the wild type sequence
K. Chromatogram of the 03231RGD iPSCs carrying the homozygous mutation in the RGD domain.
L. Karyotypic analysis of 03231RGD iPSCs revealed a normal karyotype.
M. Chromatogram of the 03231p.Q503X iPSCs carrying the truncating mutation.
N. PCR of 03231Control cell line and 03231p.Q503X cell line showing haploinsuffiency in the 03231p.Q503X line.
O. Karyotypic analysis of 03231p.Q503X iPSCs revealed a normal karyotype.