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. 2024 Aug 22;73(33):722–730. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7333e1

TABLE 3. Vaccination coverage* among children born in 2020 and eligible§ for the Vaccines for Children program, by sociodemographic characteristics, and difference in coverage compared with children not eligible for the Vaccines for Children program — National Immunization Survey-Child, United States, 2021–2022.

Characteristic Vaccine measure
MMR (≥1 dose)
Rotavirus (received by age 8 mos, 0 days)**
Combined 7-vaccine series††
VFC-eligible children coverage % (95% CI) PP difference§§ (95% CI) VFC-eligible children coverage % (95% CI) PP difference§§ (95% CI) VFC-eligible children coverage % (95% CI) PP difference§§ (95% CI)
Overall vaccination coverage
89.6 (87.7 to 91.3)
–3.8 (–6.0 to –1.6)¶¶
71.0 (68.3 to 73.5)
–11.5 (–14.8 to –8.3)¶¶
61.4 (58.4 to 64.4)
–13.8 (–17.6 to –10.0)¶¶
Health insurance status
Any Medicaid insurance (Ref)
90.1 (88.2 to 91.9)
71.8 (69.0 to 74.4)
61.8 (58.6 to 64.9)
Indian Health Service
92.6 (81.2 to 98.3)
78.5 (62.5 to 88.9)***
71.6 (57.8 to 84.1)***
No insurance
71.2 (56.5 to 84.5)***,†††
37.1 (24.6 to 51.6)***,†††
39.3 (25.5 to 57.1)***,†††
Other insurance§§§
89.1 (80.1 to 95.2)
78.1 (64.2 to 87.6)***
69.6 (56.7 to 81.6)***
Poverty status
At or above poverty level (Ref)
88.9 (86.0 to 91.4)
–4.6 (–7.6 to –1.6)¶¶
76.1 (72.7 to 79.1)
–7.7 (–11.5 to –4.0)¶¶
65.3 (61.5 to 69.2)
–11.2 (–15.7 to –6.8)¶¶
Below poverty level
89.5 (86.7 to 92.0)
0 (–8.0 to 7.9)
66.2 (61.6 to 70.4)†††
6.0 (–10.0 to 21.9)***
56.0 (51.1 to 61.0)†††
–2.6 (–20.1 to 14.9)***
Race and ethnicity¶¶¶
AI/AN, alone or combined with another race or ethnicity****
92.0 (87.6 to 95.2)
75.5 (68.5 to 81.4)†††
67.7 (59.4 to 75.8)
AI/AN only
89.1 (81.3 to 94.6)
69.0 (56.8 to 79.0)***
56.7 (44.6 to 69.5)***
Asian only
90.3 (77.8 to 97.4)
–2.8 (–14.2 to 8.5)***
79.3 (64.3 to 89.1)***
–4.7 (–18.9 to 9.5)***
62.7 (46.8 to 78.7)***
–15.7 (–33.8 to 2.4)***
Black or African American only
88.9 (84.2 to 92.7)
0.8 (–6.0 to 7.5)
71.7 (66.3 to 76.5)
–7.6 (–15.9 to 0.7)
61.8 (55.9 to 67.8)
–4.2 (–14.9 to 6.6)
White only (Ref)
88.3 (85.1 to 91.1)
–6.2 (–9.4 to –3.0)¶¶
66.6 (61.9 to 71.1)
–17.9 (–22.9 to –12.9)¶¶
60.3 (55.6 to 65.0)
–17.1 (–22.4 to –11.8)¶¶
Hispanic or Latino
91.7 (88.8 to 94.1)
–1.2 (–6.2 to 3.8)
73.5 (68.5 to 78.0)†††
–6.1 (–14.2 to 2.0)
62.0 (56.1 to 67.9)
–9.7 (–18.9 to –0.5)¶¶
Multiple races
86.6 (75.2 to 94.5)
–6.6 (–17.4 to 4.2)***
71.3 (61.4 to 79.5)
–5.5 (–17.5 to 6.6)***
63.0 (53.0 to 73.0)
–11.0 (–24.1 to 2.0)***
MSA, principal city (Ref)
89.4 (86.7 to 91.7)
–3.3 (–6.4 to –0.3)¶¶
72.2 (68.4 to 75.8)
–12.4 (–16.9 to –8.0)¶¶
62.2 (58.0 to 66.5)
–12.8 (–18.3 to –7.3)¶¶
MSA, nonprincipal city
90.4 (87.6 to 92.9)
–4.1 (–7.2 to –1.0)¶¶
69.9 (65.3 to 74.2)
–11.6 (–16.9 to –6.3)¶¶
61.4 (56.1 to 66.7)
–15.4 (–21.6 to –9.3)¶¶
Non-MSA 88.4 (82.2 to 93.2) –0.7 (–10.1 to 8.6) 69.4 (62.2 to 75.8) –6.6 (–17.1 to 3.9) *** 59.1 (52.2 to 66.1) –6.0 (–16.5 to 4.6)***

Abbreviations: AI/AN = American Indian or Alaska Native; CHIP = Children’s Health Insurance Program; MMR = measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine; MSA = metropolitan statistical area; NA = not applicable; PP = percentage point; Ref = referent group; VFC = Vaccines for Children.

* Coverage with ≥1 dose MMR and the combined 7-vaccine series were assessed by age 24 months (before the day the child turns 24 months). Rotavirus vaccine series was assessed by age 8 months 0 days. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate vaccination coverage to account for children whose vaccination history was ascertained before age 24 months.

Data for the 2020 birth year are considered preliminary and are from survey years 2021 and 2022. Data from survey year 2023 were not available in time to include in this report.

§ Child is identified as AI/AN; insured by Medicaid or Indian Health Service; uninsured; or received at least one vaccine at an Indian Health Service–operated center, Tribal health facility, or urban Indian health care facility.

Includes children who might have received measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella combination vaccine.

** Includes ≥2 doses of Rotarix monovalent rotavirus vaccine, or ≥3 doses of RotaTeq pentavalent rotavirus vaccine. If any dose in the series is either RotaTeq or unknown, it was assumed a 3-dose series was needed. The maximum age for the final rotavirus dose is 8 months, 0 days.

†† The combined 7-vaccine series (4:3:1:3*:3:1:4) includes ≥4 doses of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine, ≥3 doses of poliovirus vaccine, ≥1 dose of measles-containing vaccine, the full series of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (≥3 or ≥4 doses, depending on product type), ≥3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine, ≥1 dose of varicella vaccine, and ≥4 doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.

§§ PP difference in coverage = coverage among VFC-eligible children − coverage among non–VFC-eligible children.

¶¶ PP difference in coverage is statistically significant (p<0.05).

*** Estimates with 95% CIs >20 might not be reliable.

††† Statistically significant difference in coverage (p<0.05) compared with Ref.

§§§ Includes children identified as AI/AN with private insurance, CHIP, military, or another form of insurance, alone or in combination with another plan.

¶¶¶ The child’s race and ethnicity was reported by their parent or guardian. Children identified as AI/AN, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White, or multiple races were reported by the parent or guardian as non-Hispanic. Children identified as having multiple races had more than one race category selected. Children identified as Hispanic or Latino might be of any race. Children identified as AI/AN, alone or in combination with another race or ethnicity, might not be mutually exclusive from other racial and ethnic groups shown. Estimates for Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander children were suppressed because of small sample size.

**** Comparisons by race and ethnicity for AI/AN children, in combination with another race or ethnicity, and White children were possible as these racial and ethnic groups were mutually exclusive among children born in 2020.