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. 2024 Aug 19;14(16):2398. doi: 10.3390/ani14162398

Table 1.

Chemical composition of limpograss silage and cube.

Item Limpograss Silage Cube
DM g·kg−1 DM 416 900
OM g·kg−1 DM 930 910
CP g·kg−1 DM 73 320
NDF g·kg−1 DM 674 301
TDN g·kg−1 DM 578 * 680
Calcium % - 0.51
Phosphorus % - 1.03
Magnesium % - 0.43
Potassium % - 1.16
Sodium % - 0.120
Sulfur % - 0.39
Lactic Acid, % DM 1 4.35 -
Acetic Acid, % DM 1 0.53 -
Lactic/Acetic Ratio 1 8.15 -
Propionic Acid, % DM 1 0.00 -
Butyric Acid, % DM 1 0.00 -
Isobutyric Acid, % DM 1 0.00 -
Total Acids, % DM 1 4.89 -
pH 1 3.80 -
NH3, CP Equivalent %, DM 1 0.26 -
NH3-N, % of Total N 1 3.61 -
VFA Score 1 8.32 -
PSPS Particle Size, % 2
>19.0 mm 7.3 -
>8.0 mm 46.3 -
<8.0 mm 37.2 -
<4.0 mm 9.1 -

1 Dairy One Forage Laboratory. DM, dry matter; OM, organic matter; CP, crude protein; NDF, neutral detergent fiber, TDN, total digestible nutrients. 2 Penn State Separator. * Limpograss Silage TDN g kg−1 DM was obtained using the equation for forage (TDN = 0.889 − 0.00779 × ADF) as described by [22]. For silage, (n = 9) per bag. For cubes, (n = 3) per bag.