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. 2024 Jul 24;13(8):893. doi: 10.3390/antiox13080893

Table 1.

Preclinical evidence on the role of Mg in adipose tissue.

Study Type of Animal Treatment Treatment
Devaux et al. [53] Male Sprague Dawley
young rats (YR) vs.
old rats (OR)
Diet with Mg deficiency 22 mo YR adipocytes hyperplasia; OR hypotrophy of adipocytes
Boparai et al. [55] Male Wistar rats High sucrose (HS); low Mg (LM); HSLM 12 wk HSLM ↑ of TBARS and PCO (plasma and liver)
Kurstjens et al. [57] Male C57BL6/J mice normal Mg Low-fat diet (NMLFD); NM High fat diet (NMHFD); LMLFD; LMHFD 17 wk LM ameliorates HFD-induced obesity, fasting glucose ↓, insulin sensitivity ↑; absence of liver steatosis; ↑ BAT Ucp1 m-RNA expression, and higher body temperature
Zhong et al. [59] Flox and ATKO mice HFD; TRPM7 inhibition 16 wk ATKO have less body weight than Flox, ↓ % of macrophage in WAT, IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1
Madaris et al. [68] Male WT and MRS2−/− KO mice HFD; Western Diet (WD) 12 mo MRS2−/− KO in WD no weight gain and ↑ mitochondrial activity and BAT
Choudary et al. [56] Male Wistar rats LM; HS; HSLM 3 mo ↓ SOD, catalase and GST in HSLM

ATKO = adipocyte-specific TRPM7 knock-out; BAT = brown adipose tissue; GST = glutathione-S-transferase; HFD = high fat diet; HS = high sucrose; IL = interleukin; KO = knock-out; LFD = low fat diet; LM = low Mg; MCP-1 = monocyte chemoattractive protein 1; MRS2 = mitochondrial RNA splicing 2; NM = normal Mg; OR = old rats; PCO = protein carbonyls; SOD = superoxide dismutase; TBARS = thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; TRPM7 = transient receptor potential ion channels for melastatin; WAT = white adipose tissue; WD = western diet; WT = wild-type; YR = young rats; ↑ = increase; ↓ = decrease; wk = weeks; mo = months.