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. 2024 Aug 18;13(16):2585. doi: 10.3390/foods13162585

Table 12.

Influence of drying method and temperature on the color of celery stalks.

Sample L* c h BI
RM 62.1 ± 0.63 m 16.7 ± 0.42 h 102.4 ± 1.72 i 25.07 ± 0.574 a
FD 40 °C 84.9 ± 0.59 l 30.8 ± 0.28 g 110.3 ± 0.84 gh 30.20 ± 1.021 bc
FD 60 °C 83.3 ± 0.58 k 29.5 ± 0.45 f 110.0 ± 0.40 fg 29.58 ± 0.669 b
FD 80 °C 81.3 ± 0.44 j 29.5 ± 0.24 f 108.5 ± 0.67 f 31.64 ± 0.484 cd
VD 40 °C 82.0 ± 0.41 j 29.2 ± 0.32 f 110.5 ± 0.66 gh 29.44 ± 0.773 b
VD 60 °C 80.0 ± 0.47 i 29.0 ± 0.56 f 111.8 ± 0.97 h 29.02 ± 1.224 b
VD 80 °C 77.1 ± 0.50 h 27.6 ± 0.22 e 110.5 ± 0.40 gh 29.54 ± 0.381 b
AD 40 °C 71.3 ± 0.49 f 24.9 ± 0.23 c 104.2 ± 0.56 e 33.30 ± 0.432 de
AD 60 °C 69.6 ± 0.51 e 22.7 ± 0.77 b 104.2 ± 0.5 e 30.59 ± 1.305 bc
AD 80 °C 68.8 ± 0.32 e 21.0 ± 0.40 a 91.0 ± 0.97 b 35.15 ± 0.779 e
AMD50 40 °C 69.2 ± 0.55 e 26.6 ± 0.43 d 99.4 ± 0.38 d 41.27 ± 1.066 g
AMD50 60 °C 72.9 ± 0.48 g 22.4 ± 0.55 b 96.6 ± 0.73 c 32.66 ± 1.077 d
AMD50 80 °C 63.7 ± 0.44 b 22.2 ± 0.31 b 90.8 ± 0.63 b 41.34 ± 0.203 gh
AMD100 40 °C 65.2 ± 0.54 c 25.1 ± 0.39 c 96.5 ± 0.38 c 43.34 ± 0.73 hi
AMD100 60 °C 67.4 ± 0.75 d 22.2 ± 0.44 b 92.3 ± 0.17 b 37.86 ± 1.349 f
AMD100 80 °C 61.1 ± 0.61 a 22.1 ± 0.34 b 88.2 ± 1.03 a 44.41 ± 1.213 i

RM—raw material, FD 40 °C—freeze drying 40 °C, FD 60 °C—freeze drying 60 °C, FD 80 °C—freeze drying 80 °C, VD 40 °C—vacuum drying 40 °C, VD 60 °C—vacuum drying 60 °C, VD 80 °C—vacuum drying 80 °C, AD 40 °C—air (convective) drying 40 °C, AD 60 °C—air (convective) drying 60 °C, AD 80 °C—air (convective) drying 80 °C, AMD50 40 °C—air (convective) drying 40 °C with 50 W microwaves, AMD50 60 °C—air (convective) drying 60 °C with 50 W microwaves, AMD50 80 °C—air (convective) drying 80 °C with 50 W microwaves, AMD100 40 °C—air (convective) drying 40 °C with 100 W microwaves, AMD100 60 °C—air (convective) drying 60 °C with 100 W microwaves, AMD100 80 °C—air (convective) drying 80 °C with 100 W microwaves, L*—lightness, c—chroma, h—hue angle, BI—browning index; the values are expressed as mean ± SD; means with different letter superscript are significantly different (α = 0.05).