Illumina deep sequencing of RPgV at various points during mouse adaptation. The genome position of RPgV/maPgV is shown along the X-axis, with a schematic of predicted mature proteins shown in green across the top. The frequency of non-synonymous mutations (red) and synonymous variants >5% relative to the RPgV consensus sequence are shown along the left Y-axis, with a dashed black line denoting 50% frequency (i.e., consensus-level variants). Coverage is shown in gray on a log10 scale along the right Y-axis with a read-depth cutoff of 100 shown as a gray dashed line, below which variants were not called. The pooled “maPgV stock” described in Fig 1 is highlighted in yellow. Note that some samples were sequenced via unbiased deep sequencing and others were sequenced by multiplexed PCR amplicon sequencing, generating the “mountainous” versus “city-scape” appearing coverage plots, respectively.