Construction and activity verification of lincRNA-73240 overexpression vector. (A) PCR product of lincRNA-73240. M, marker; 1–6, lincRNA-73240. (B) Double-enzyme digestion of the pcDNA3.1 plasmid. M, marker; 1, circular pcDNA3.1 vector; 2–6, linear pcDNA3.1 after double-enzyme digestion. (C) PCR product of pcDNA3.1-lincRNA-73240 DH5α bacterial liquid. M, marker; 1, lincRNA-73240. (D) Relative expression of lincRNA-73240 in HD11 macrophages transfected with overexpression vector for 48 h. Data expressed as mean ± SD of four independent experiments; each experiment performed in triplicate; Wilcoxon test; ns, not significant; ** p < 0.01.