Experimental study design. On the day of weaning, males and females of the non-inbred lines DUC, DUhTP, and DU6 from genetically different litters/families were each divided into three groups and fed with unautoclaved diet A, autoclaved diet S, or diet SPA. Two mating periods were performed while avoiding inbreeding. The female offspring of the second mating, corresponding to generation 2, were used for the investigations on day 21 and day 4 of pregnancy (DOP4). Abbreviations: DUC—Dummerstorf control line, DUhTP—Dummerstorf mice paternally selected for high treadmill performance, DU6—Dummerstorf mice paternally selected for high body mass, A—Altromin, S—Ssniff®, and SPA—Ssniff phytoestrogen-poor alternative.