3DP-WHOs Based on 3D Scanning
3DP-WHOs Based on Thermoforming
Efficient production process
Cost-effective due to reduced material waste
Faster production times
Potential for scalable manufacturing and distribution
Improved durability and reduced risk of breakage
Ability to accommodate complex anatomical variations
Ability to create complex designs that are challenging with traditional methods
Enhanced patient engagement through personalized design Potential for improved functional outcomes and patient satisfaction
Potential for reduced complications and re-hospitalizations
High initial investment in 3D scanning equipment
Limited availability of advanced 3D scanning technology
Requirement of specialized engineering knowledge to process the patient data and design the orthosis
Potential for longer lead times compared to off-the-shelf solutions
Quality control challenges during thermoforming
Limited material options for thermoforming
Requirement of engineering knowledge to design the orthosis
Potential for less precise fit compared to the 3D scanning-based approach
Increased adoption in healthcare
Potential to speed up development of bespoke solutions for patients
Collaboration with healthcare providers to refine the design and manufacturing process