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. 2024 Jul 2;42(25):3033–3046. doi: 10.1200/JCO.23.02233


Patient Characteristics

Characteristic All (N = 120)
Median age, years (range) 59 (20-82)
Sex, No. (%)
 Male 97 (80.8)
 Female 23 (19.2)
Race, No. (%)
 White 103 (85.8)
 Black or African American 11 (9.2)
 Asian 5 (4.2)
 Other 1 (0.8)
Karnofsky performance status, %, No. (%)
 100 15 (12.5)
 90 63 (52.5)
 80 32 (26.7)
 70 10 (8.3)
Smoking history, No. (%)
 Current 10 (8.3)
 Previous 61 (50.9)
 Never 49 (40.8)
Cohorts, No. (%)
 Phase I 54 (45)
 Urothelial carcinoma 24 (20)
 RCC 12 (10)
 Adenocarcinoma of bladder 10 (8.3)
 Rare GU tumors treated 12 (10)
 Penile carcinoma treated 8 (6.7)
Type of tumor, No. (%)
 Urothelial carcinoma 39 (32.5)
 Clear cell RCCa 16 (13.3)
 Adenocarcinoma bladder/urachal 15 (12.5)
 Penile carcinoma 11 (9.2)
 Prostate adenocarcinoma 10 (8.3)
 Squamous cell carcinoma bladder 8 (6.7)
 Germ cell tumor 6 (5.0)
 Small cell carcinoma of bladder/renal pelvis 4 (3.3)
 Renal medullary carcinoma 3 (2.5)
 Testicular primitive neuroectodermal tumor 2 (1.7)
 Trophoblastic tumor 1 (0.83)
 Sertoli cell tumor 1 (0.83)
 Collecting duct carcinoma 1 (0.83)
 Chromophobe RCC 1 (0.83)
 Papillary RCC 1 (0.83)
 Sarcomatoid bladder 1 (0.83)
Metastasis location, No. (%)
 Lymph node only 15 (12.5)
 Bone 19 (15.8)
 Visceral disease 80 (66.7)
 Liver 37 (30.8)
 Lung 54 (45.0)
 Median number of previous treatments (range) 1 (0-8)
No. of previous treatments, No. (%)
 0 21 (17.5)
 1 54 (45.0)
 2 22 (18.3)
 ≥3 23 (19.2)

Abbreviations: CaboNivo, cabozantinib + nivolumab; CaboNivoIpi, cabozantinib + nivolumab + ipilimumab; GU, genitourinary; RCC, renal cell carcinoma.


Three patients with clear cell RCC had >50% sarcomatoid features.