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. 2024 Jul 23;10(3):572–595. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2024027

Table 5. The results of the analysis to indicate differences in complexity of the 26 NAB communities within the root nodules of 1-year-old (IP1yr), 2-year-old (IP2yr), 13-year-old (IP13yr), and old growth (IPOG) I. punctata root nodules, and in the Bulk Forest soil samples. Results are shown for the similarity percentage (SIMPER) analyses demonstrating the similarities in the NAB community compositions; the mean levels of Margalef's richness (d) and Shannon's diversity (H) indices with the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of these means; and the S indices of the MPS levels of the NAB genera and the richness and diversity of the NAB communities to show differences in the stability or constancy of the value of these metrics. Kruskal-Wallis differences in means (p < 0.05) in the mean values of d or H are represented by different letters. The S index for both d and H were also determined.

Indicators of NAB community composition stability and complexity
S Index of MPS values SIMPER of MPS values Mean d S Index of d Mean H S Index of H
IP1yr 8.73 26.17% 7.04a ± 1.33 5.28 2.37a ± 0.38 6.22
IP2yr 13.65 53.85% 7.31a ± 1.28 5.71 2.86b ± 0.35 7.94
IP13yr 13.94 50.01% 7.95a ± 1.26 6.31 2.85b ± 0.32 8.91
IPOG 21.42 79.65% 9.33b ± 0.38 24.7 3.50b ± 0.14 24.69
Bulk Forest 4.63 89.85% 4.61c ± 0.37 12.44 2.27a, c ± 0.06 39.67