Table 5.
Contributions to R2 for variables when added first to the model (first-in), and unique R2 contribution (last-in). PTAN = number of phonological neighbors; PGTAN = number of phonographic neighbors; p(P|G) = reading consistency, p(G|P) = spelling consistency. Total model R2 (marginal, i.e., fixed effects only) = 57.05%. p values based on Chi-squared test (log likelihood), *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05, ~ p < 0.10
Regressor | First-In R2 | Unique R2 |
Phonographeme p(P|G) | 41.11%*** | 1.811%*** |
Phonographeme_LgFreq | 39.18%*** | 1.212%*** |
Phonographeme p(G|P) | 32.41%*** | 0.019%~ |
Rime p(P|G) | 20.40%*** | 0.558%*** |
Rime p(G|P) | 19.62%*** | 0.334%*** |
Onset p(P|G) | 14.52%*** | 3.715%*** |
Syllables | 7.29%*** | 2.006%*** |
PGTAN | 5.44%*** | 0.125%** |
Phonotactics | 1.46%*** | 0.052% |
Phonemes | 1.18%*** | 0.088%* |
PTAN | 0.52%*** | 0.073% |
Lexical | 0.16%~ | – 0.004% |