Table 1.
A Summary of the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Based on the PEO Format
PEO Strategy | Inclusion | Exclusion |
Population | Cross-sectional studies, case-control studies and prospective and retrospective cohort studies; full test publications; studies published in English; reported effect size (odds ratio OR, hazard ratio HR, risk ratio RR with confidence intervals CIs) of the relationship between CM in childhood and MetS in adulthood. Agency reports, self-reports, interviews, and agency records in studies using any CM measurement; human studies and published in English. | Abstracts, Case reports, duplicate studies, editorials, reviews, grey literature, commentary, conference papers and books; studies not published in English; non-human studies. |
Exposure | The exposure was CM, including type (physical abuse, emotional/psychological, sexual abuse and neglect) or number (one or more) of maltreatment and comparison made with individuals who did not experience CM; maltreatment happened before the age of 18 years. | Maltreatment occurred after the age of 18 years; neither physical, sexual, emotional/psychological abuse nor neglect; maltreatment happened after the age of 18 years. |
Outcome | MetS as an outcome; a measure of MetS as defined by either WHO, NCEP or IDF; MetS occurred after age 18. Diagnosis of MetS was based on medical records. MetS happened after the age of 18 years. | The measure of MetS is not defined by eitherWHO, NCEP, or IDF. The diagnosis of MetS is not based on medical records; MetS occurs before the age of 18. |
Abbreviations: IDF, International Diabetes Federation; NCEP, National Cholesterol Education Program; WHO, World Health Organisation.