Figure 4.
PD-related alterations in FC.
Notes: NBS method identified a significantly altered network (11 nodes and 11 connections) in PD group relative to HCs. (P<0.01; threshold T=2.649). The PD patients showed abnormal long-distance and short-distance functional connections between/within VN, DMN and FPN.
Abbreviations: ROL.R, Rolandic operculum; OLF.L, Olfactory cortex; SOG.R, Superior occipital gyrus; SPG. R, Superior parietal gyrus; REC.R, Gyrus rectus; DCG.L, Median cingulate and paracingulate gyri; ACG.L, Anterior cingulate and paracingulate gyri; CAU. L, Caudate nucleus; PUT.R, Lenticular nucleus, putamen; DCG.R, Median cingulate and paracingulate gyri; CAU. R, Caudate nucleus.