Fig. 2. Group-wise interaction between structural connectivity and executive functions.
A Illustrates the area of the left anterior thalamic radiation (lATR) in an axial plane where the group-wise interaction on the association between planning abilities and fibre-bundle cross-section (FC) was located. B Displays the location of the significant area in lATR in a sagittal plane (all images presented in radiological orientation). C Shows the significant fixels coloured yellow, indicating the direction of the significant fibres, precluding nonsignificant crossing fibres within the voxels. D Illustrates the lATR tract using the John Hopkins University white matter tractography atlas. E Scatterplots illustrates the distribution of FC in lATR on the y-axis and planning abilities scores on the x-axis. F Shows the distribution of FC in Isthmus on the y-axis and cognitive flexibility scores on the x-axis. The groupwise interaction effect on the association is depicted with turquoise lines for controls, and purple lines for patients.