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. 2024 Sep 1;9(3):218–226. doi: 10.22540/JFSF-09-218

Table 1.

Cost Analysis.

€/unit Site 1(2 wards) Site 2 (2 wards) Total Costs (€) Scenario Analysis 1 hospital (4 wards)
#Units Duration Cost (€) # Units Duration Cost (€) Total Cost (€)
Clinical Facilitator Annual Months Months
CNM 1 (General) 68,568.481 1 3.5 19,999.14 1 4.5 25,713.18 45,712.32 -
Staff Nurse 55,063.461 27,531.738
Implementation Science / Quality Improvement Expert 120,100.161 13,317.169
Training Hourly Hours Hours
CNM 1 (General) 46.961 2 1.50 140.87 2 0.75 70.43 211.30 211.30
CNM 2 (General) 50.771 1 1.50 76.15 1 0.75 38.07 114.22 114.22
Staff Nurse 35.691 33 1.50 1,766.57 49 0.75 1,311.54 3,078.11 3,292.24
Health Care Assistant 30.111 4 3.00 361.29 10 0.75 225.81 587.10 790.33
FCB Materials2
Whiteboards 30.58 0 - 0.00 8 - 244.64 244.64 489.28
Patient information leaflets 1.39 5605 - 778.40 5605 - 778.40 1,556.80 1,563.75
Floor distance markers 92.47 2 - 184.94 2 - 184.94 369.88 369.88
Patient mobility sheets 1.30 30 - 39.00 0 - 0.00 39.00 78.00
Orientation clocks 191.75 4 - 767.00 0 - 0.00 767.00 1,534.00
Distraction resources 2.00 10 - 20.00 0 - 0.00 20.00 174.55
Freezer depreciation (intervention period) 4.75 0 - 0.00 1 - 4.75 4.75 19.00
High protein ice-creams 0.90 0 - 0.00 150 - 135.00 135.00 1,080.00
Fruit pots 0.90 600 - 539.10 0 - 0.00 539.10 6,469.20
Radios6 60.00 2 - 120 2 - 120 240.00 240.00
Total 24,792.46 28,826.77 53,619.23 57,274.64
Total/patient 275.473 113.653 156.03 72.927
Total/month 12,396.234 9,608.924 10,723.85 4,772.898

See Supplemental Table 1 for staff cost calculations.


FCB Study Records.


Number of patients: 254 at site 2, 90 at site 1.


Intervention length: 3 months at site 2, 2 months at site 1 plus 1.5 months per site for ward situational analysis undertaken by clinical facilitator.


1,500 leaflets purchased and 75% of them were used (equally split across hospitals).


For the trial radios were borrowed in two hospitals. The opportunity cost of purchasing them is included here for completeness.


Number of patients: 785. CNM: Clinical Nurse Manager.