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. 2024 Aug 29;14(8):e083796. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-083796

Table 2. Interpretation of a positive screening of suspected occupational diseases.

Occupational NIHL The total number of ‘yes’ answers is at least 3 for items 1–14.
Occupational skin disease Criteria 1‘Yes’ for at least 1 item in question 1And‘Yes’ for question 2Criteria 2‘Yes’ for any symptoms in question 4
Occupational musculoskeletal disorder ‘Yes’ at least 1 from item 1.1And‘Yes’ at least 1 from items 1.2–1.3AndScore>5 for item 2.1AndScore>2 for item 2.2
Occupational respiratory disease The number of ‘Yes’ answers is at least 1 for items 1 to 4.
Occupational neurotoxicity If the number of ‘Yes’ answers is a minimum of 3.
Occupational mental illness DASS-21 scoring
Meaning Depression Anxiety Stress
Normal 0–9 0–7 0–14
Mild 10–13 8–9 15–18
Moderate 14–20 10–14 19–25
Severe 21–27 15–19 26–33
Extremely severe 28+ 20+ 34+
JSL scoringScores of 17–39 were categorised into a low level of job stress, scores of 40–61 were grouped under moderate levels of job stress, and scores between 62 and 85 were classified under the high level of job stress.

DASS-21Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 21JSLJob Stress Level