Figure 1. National Health Workforce Accounts indicators and complementary indicators selected for information collection and analysis.
Element of the conceptual four AAAQ* | Indicator area | Indicator name | Description used |
Availability | Stock of active health workforce | Health professional density. | Numerator: Number of health professionals, defined in number of people. Denominator: Total population. |
Availability | Distribution | Distribution of professionals by age group. | Numerator: Number of active health professionals in a specific age group. Denominator: Total number of active health professionals, defined in number of people. |
Accessibility | Stock of active health workforce | Professional density at subnational - regional level. | Numerator: Number of active health professionals in subnational administrative units, defined in number of people. Denominator: Total population at sub-national level. |
Availability | Complementary | Ratio of nurses professionals to doctors - at national and regional level and by category. | Numerator: Total number of nurses/nurses licensed to practice. Denominator: Total number of doctors licensed to practice†. |
*The AAAQ framework is a sequence of four critical dimensions to analyze: Availability; Accessibility; Acceptability and Quality; †According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 12 , professionals licensed to practice are those who have training and qualification requirements and a license (registration/qualification) to practice. The concept of active professionals refers to those who have training and qualification as prerequisites for providing services to patients and communities, management, or teaching. Practicing professionals are those who provide direct services to patients and communities