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. 2024 Jul 13;42(1):55–86. doi: 10.1007/s40592-024-00199-x

Table 1.

Examples of major ethical principles challenged by the COVID-19 outbreak

Principles Examples
A Equity

Everyone has the same opportunity to acquire good heath

Blacks, Native Americans, diabetics are at high risk for COVID compromising their acute and future health

B Justice

The same regimens are uniformly available

In the developing world access to vaccines and pharmaceutical are severely impaired

C Autonomy

Patients can accept to reject a course of medical action

In acute situations decisions are made arbitrarily by ER doctors

D Transparency

Medical decisions are made with honesty, reliability and integrity

Some medical trial regarding hydroxychloroquine were not carried out ethically

E Solidarity

Benefits and obligations are carried out equally throughout society

Some vaccine trials benefited primarily those in the developed world

F Good science

The principles of scientific investigation, such as Koch principles are carriedout and used to make decisions

Leaders touted unproven forms of therapy

G Concern for the disadvantaged The underprivileged, the impoverished are given particular concern
H Duty to treat

Providers may not discriminate against patients based on disease or medical status

Shortages of supplies and nurses were common in many areas during the outbreak

I Proportionality

The benefits of a policy outweigh the burdens

Do lockdown measures prevent disease more than deflate the economy?

J Beneficence

The best interests of patients are given primary concern

Triage decisions may make beneficence difficult

K Nommalfeasance

Doing no harm is a mainstay of medical care

Appropriate therapies are not universally espoused by providers