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. 2024 Aug 5;79(9):glae194. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glae194

Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics of the Study Sample According to the Use of Long-Term Care Insurance Services After Imputation (n = 8 429)

Using LTCI Services
Total No Yes
n (%a) %b %b p Valuec
Dental preventive visit No 5 401 (64.1) 81.5 18.5 .007
Yes 3 028 (35.9) 83.9 16.1
Dental treatment visit No 4 013 (47.6) 80.8 19.2 <.001
Yes 4 416 (52.4) 83.8 16.2
Dental preventive or treatment visit No 3 680 (43.7) 79.9 20.1 <.001
Yes 4 749 (56.3) 84.2 15.8
Sex Men 3 883 (46.1) 83.8 16.2 .001
Women 4 546 (53.9) 81.1 18.9
Age 65–69 2 555 (30.3) 94.8 5.2 <.001
70–74 2 477 (29.4) 91.3 8.7
75–79 1 880 (22.3) 76.2 23.8
80–84 1 033 (12.3) 59.3 40.7
≥85 484 (5.7) 44.4 55.6
Number of teeth ≥20 teeth 3 212 (38.1) 87.5 12.5 <.001
10–19 teeth 2 238 (26.6) 83.9 16.1
1–9 teeth 2 055 (24.4) 78.2 21.8
0 teeth 924 (11.0) 70.3 29.7
Marital status No partner 2 354 (27.9) 74.4 25.6 <.001
Having partner 6 075 (72.1) 85.4 14.6
BMI <18.5 599 (7.1) 75.1 24.9 <.001
18.5–24.9 6 069 (72.0) 82.7 17.3
≥25.0 1 761 (20.9) 83.7 16.3
Education level <9 years 3 622 (43.0) 79.1 20.9 <.001
10–12 years 3 197 (37.9) 84.0 16.0
≥13 years 1 610 (19.1) 86.3 13.7
Income (Million yen) <1.00 1 367 (16.2) 74.3 25.7 <.001
1.00–1.99 2 814 (33.4) 83.8 16.2
2.00–2.99 1 973 (23.4) 83.5 16.5
3.00–3.99 1 272 (15.1) 85.2 14.8
≥4.00 1 003 (11.9) 83.4 16.6
Walking time <30 min 2 895 (34.3) 75.7 24.3 <.001
30–59 min 2 925 (34.7) 83.5 16.5
60–89 min 1 302 (15.4) 85.3 14.7
≥90 min 1 307 (15.5) 91.5 8.5
Drinking status Current 3 090 (36.7) 87.3 12.7 <.001
Past 265 (3.1) 80.8 19.2
Never 5 074 (60.2) 79.4 20.6
Smoking status Current 929 (11.0) 81.2 18.8 <.001
Past 2 417 (28.7) 85.2 14.8
Never 5 083 (60.3) 81.2 18.8
Depression (Geriatric Depression scale) <5 6 031 (71.6) 84.5 15.5 <.001
5–9 1 778 (21.1) 78.0 22.0
≥10 620 (7.4) 73.9 26.1
Hypertension No 4 036 (47.9) 81.7 18.3 .153
Yes 4 393 (52.1) 82.9 17.1
Diabetes No 7 289 (86.5) 82.8 17.2 .010
Yes 1 140 (13.5) 79.6 20.4
Cancer No 8 062 (95.6) 82.6 17.4 .007
Yes 367 (4.4) 77.1 22.9
Stroke No 8 333 (98.9) 82.5 17.5 .030
Yes 96 (1.1) 74.0 26.0
Heart diseases No 7 403 (87.8) 83.2 16.8 <.001
Yes 1 026 (12.2) 76.3 23.7
Medical checkup Within a year 5 314 (63.0) 84.4 15.6 <.001
Within 2–3 years 968 (11.5) 83.2 16.8
≥4 years 822 (9.8) 79.7 20.3
None 1 325 (15.7) 75.3 24.7
Regions A 1 103 (13.1) 77.2 22.8 <.001
B 552 (6.5) 86.2 13.8
C 773 (9.2) 84.9 15.1
D 2 635 (31.3) 84.7 15.3
E 846 (10.0) 81.4 18.6
F 1 545 (18.3) 80.8 19.2
G 975 (11.6) 81.0 19.0
Total 8 429 (100.0) 82.4 17.6

Notes: BMI = body mass index; LTCI = long-term care insurance.

aColumn percentage.

bRow percentage.

cPearson’s χ2 test.