Age |
5 years and older |
Younger than 5 years |
Prior anaphylaxis |
No prior anaphylaxis |
Non-IgE CMA |
Severe FPIES with documented low blood pressure, fluid resuscitation, hospitalization |
Food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis, food protein-induced enteropathy |
Eliciting dose |
Low previous reaction threshold to baked or no-baked CM, reactions to trace amounts or cross-contamination |
High previous reaction threshold to baked or non-baked CM |
Reactivity to baked milk |
Reactions to baked milk |
Ingestion of small amount of baked milk without symptoms |
Asthma |
Poor control |
Optimal control |
Laboratory tests |
High and or increasing SPT wheal or serum CM-specific IgE levels |
Small and or decreasing SPT wheal or serum CM-specific IgE levels |
Adherence to chronic therapies, e.g., for asthma, eczema |
Poor/sub-optimal |
Adequate |
Shared decisions |
Caregivers apprehensive about the ladder approach, language or comprehension barrier |
Caregivers seeking/accepting ladder approach, no language or comprehension barriers |