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[Preprint]. 2024 Aug 26:2024.08.22.24312319. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2024.08.22.24312319

Figure 7:

Figure 7:

The phenotype correlates of GEM. A, Cox proportional-hazard regressions were performed, regressing incident events on a spline of age, sex, smoking status, and germline PCs. Individuals with prevalent disease were excluded. CAD = coronary artery disease, PAD = peripheral artery disease, CABG = coronary artery bypass graft, MI = myocardial infarction. CAD events were defined as at least one of an MI, CABG, angina, or angioplasty during the follow-up period. A random effects meta-analysis was performed. GEM was inverse normal transformed. Sex was excluded from the WHI regression, and smoking was excluded from the COPD regression. B, A linear regression of the inverse normal transformed biomarker, including a spline of age, sex, smoking status, and germline PCs as covariates. GEM was inverse normal transformed. Sex was excluded from the WHI regression, and smoking was excluding from the COPD regression.