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[Preprint]. 2024 Sep 23:2024.08.22.24312440. [Version 3] doi: 10.1101/2024.08.22.24312440

Figure 1: Study Design.

Figure 1:

Acronyms are as follows. T2D: type 2 diabetes. PRS: polygenic risk scores. SNPs: single nucleotide polymorphisms. LD: linkage disequilibrium. GWAS: genome-wide association study. 1KG-AFR-like, 1KG-AMR-like, 1KG-EAS-like, 1KG-EUR-like, 1KG-SAS-like: genetic ancestry labels, defined based on clustering of participants by genetic principal components and the similarity of those clusters to 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations following the 2023 National Academies guidelines on using population descriptors in genetics and genomics research. ASN-like: genetic ancestry label chosen for ethnic Malays in the Singapore Multi-Ethnic cohort to represent their ancestral population history due to lack of representation of Austronesian populations in the 1000 Genomes reference panel.